What FMS Is and Why You Should Do It… 

Delving into the heart of the matter, the FMS – Functional Movement Screen is a product of years of innovation and current research. What’s more, the philosophy starts with a system that monitors fundamental movement. Armed with this crucial knowledge, corrective exercise programs based on individual movement patterns can successfully change how efficiently and safely you move. That then allows you to perform without any compensations. FMS is also equally effective in fitness and sports conditioning. This is due to FMS targeting the “weak link in movement” and fixing it so you can perform to your highest ability.


“Working on any other part of the chain will not change the strength of the chain.” You’re only going to be a good as your weakest link. If you insist on using band-aids and duct tape, don’t be surprised when things start to rip and tear!

“Or, to put it another way, what use is a stronger, more powerful engine, if your wheel is going to fly off at 80 mph?” – Gray Cook MS, PT, OCS, CSCS, RKC

Specifically, the Functional Movement Screen is a ranking and grading system scientifically created to document movement patterns that are key to normal function.

By screening these patterns, you can successfully & quickly identify functional limitations and asymmetries. Basic movement pattern limitations can reduce the effects of functional training, physical conditioning, and distort proprioception (body awareness).

“We now use this program with every player as a pretest and evaluation tool before we even begin to train them. This individualizes our training as we can now focus more on improving weaknesses, imbalances and asymmetries in an effort to improve functional movement patterns.It’s the foundation of our program. Everything we do builds off of it. We wouldn’t think of not using this program.” – John Torine, Head Strength Coach, Indianapolis Colts

At the heart of the system is the Functional Movement Screen Score, which helps target the real problem for any individual and track their progress with real precision. Additionally, the scoring system is directly linked to the most beneficial corrective exercises to restore mechanically sound movement patterns.

The Functional Movement Screen will:

  • Identify your physical imbalances or weaknesses and strengthen them with simple corrective exercises
  • Teach the difference between movement quality and movement quantity—so you understand how you can achieve better results with less apparent effort
  • Identify your current injury trends and potentials as they relate to the prevention of non-contact injuries
  • Help you understand how “primitive” movement can hold the keys to unlocking your physical restrictions
  • Eliminate your poor movements and quickly, effectively, and efficiently replace it with good movements
  • Establish a personal benchmark for your own movement patterns with a clear direction and path to help you be more mobile

This is an amazing tool for anyone who wants to achieve peak performance in their sport of choice, as well as anyone who wants to move and feel the best they possibly can. To set up your Functional Movement Screen, email us at info@kettlebility.com to learn more now!

  • Duration of the session is 1 to 1.5 hours
  • Price is $175
For more research on the Functional Movement Screen go here: Research 

To visit the FMS site go here: FMS – Functional Movement Screen

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