New to Kettlebility? Here’s how you get started!


Our New Student Startup Package includes:

  • FOUR 30-Minute Personal Training Sessions 
    • Sessions will cover basic lifting skills: how to dead lift, squat, and swing a kettlebell safely and effectively. More advanced students will have their form reviewed, tuned-up, and will be given a skills assessment.
  • ONE Month of UNLIMITED Classes
    • Your first group class with us is the Groove Your Swing Class, our basic skills class.
    • Once we are confident you can perform the basics safely, you’ll be able to join many of our other IN-PERSON Classes, which combine all movements you learned in Groove Your Swing (and MORE) to build strength, endurance and healthy movement.
    • Keep attending Groove Your Swing to work on your perfecting your skills so that you can pass the Groove Skills Test to be able to SWING in our other group classes. You can learn more here: SKILLS TESTS
    • You will also have access to our library of training videos and protocols, that you can do at home with limited or no equipment.
    • Once you’ve become familiar with our IN-PERSON classes, you are eligible to also add the option to train with us LIVE Online in our group classes!
  • PERSONALIZED Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching
    • Better performance usually begins with better sleep and optimal nutrition. We can help you learn more about what is the best way for YOU to get started with your own performance enhancement.
  • COST: $265


Step 2: Get Started! Email to set up your Personal Training

Contact if you have questions, or to talk about all our options during King County Phase 3 re-opening.

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